How To Get Red Wine Out Of Carpet

A clean and beautiful home is always liked by you and your guests. However, to entertain your guests with a pleasant atmosphere, you must clean carpets regularly. Nevertheless, a fall of red wine during party time may stain your carpets. But luckily you don’t have to worry about red wine stains on the carpet. There are many DIY methods for removing stubborn red wine stains from the carpet. Further in this article, we will be discussing: the 5 best ways to get red wine out of the carpet. Thus to know how to overcome the red wine stain on the carpet, read the below points carefully. 

5 Best ways to get red wine out of the carpet are:

How to Remove Red Wine Stains From Carpet? What to do when red wine falls on your carpet? Red wine on the carpet can leave permanent marks. However, scrubbing red wine stains on the carpet will make them worse. But with the following tips you can eliminate red wine stains from your carpet easily: 

  1. Follow a quick Action on red wine stain: Quick action for red wine stain on the carpet is the key. Thus the longer you wait to remove the red wine stain from the carpet, the harder it becomes to remove. That’s why we advise you as soon as red wine spills on the carpet then you must act immediately. Moreover, don’t rub the stain, just blot the red wine stain with a clean paper towel. Important- blotting is very helpful in absorbing red wine from the carpet. Therefore blot the red wine as much as you can. After a few minutes add some cold water to the carpet and again blot it. 
  2. Eliminate Red Wine Spill With Club Soda: Club soda is one of the most effective solutions to remove red wine stains from office and house carpets. Thus club soda carbonation helps in breaking the red wine pigment on the carpet. So, once you blot the stain on the carpet with a cloth then apply a small amount of club soda to the red wine stain. Thus after applying club soda blot it again and then leave the solution overnight on the carpet. However, if the stain remains the same in the morning then repeat the process. 
  3. Use Dishwasher And Vinegar: White vinegar is the best thing in the house for cleaning any stain. Also, white vinegar helps in breaking red wine pigment. So, let’s start with how to apply the dishwasher and vinegar solution in removing red wine. Similarly, blot the stain with a clean cloth again. Then mix one tablespoon of dishwashing soap with vinegar. Also, you can add some water to the dishwasher detergent and vinegar solution. Then stir the above mixture together. After making the solution pour the mixture onto the stain. Nevertheless, blot the stain again until it’s permanently gone. 
  4. Apply Dishwash and Hydrogen Peroxide: If you are using hydrogen peroxide we advise you to use them on a small portion of the carpet first for testing. Thus mixing dishwashing soap with hydrogen peroxide is another reliable option. Firstly blot the stain again with a clean towel. Then after this add two parts of hydrogen peroxide with dishwashing soap and mix it gently. After this apply the above solution to the red wine stain. Further, wait for 20 minutes to settle the solution on the red wine stain. In addition, you can also use baking soda instead of dishwasher soap. Thus in this, you have to make sure that baking soda is fully covering the red wine stain. Wait 3 minutes to settle the stain and then rinse it with water. 
  1. Remove Red Wine Stain With Salt: If your red wine stain has dried on your carpet. Don’t worry and most importantly don’t panic. Apart from this just take a small amount of salt to absorb the red wine stain from the carpet. But before applying salt you must sprinkle some water to make the red wine stain wet. After this use some salt on the carpet.  But remember don’t scrub the salt as it makes your carpet worse. Thus leave the salt overnight and rinse it in the morning. Further, you can also vacuum the salt solution on the carpet. 


The above 5 best ways to get red wine out of the carpet will be very beneficial in removing all types of wine stains on the carpet. However, cleaning red wine stains yourself will be difficult and more time-consuming. That’s why we suggest you hire a professional for cleaning red wine stains from the carpet. Experts will use effective and safe solutions in removing stubborn red wine stains from the carpet. Moreover, certified experts use modern tools in removing red wine stains deeply from the carpet. You can hire our local experts for all kinds of carpet repair in Brisbane on the same day of booking.

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Published on: November 18, 2022

Last updated on: April 10, 2023